July 2016 Work on the growing vines
In the vineyard ……
Further to the episode of frost, the “évasivage” begins shyly in the least affected plots of land.
Indeed, it is from in the middle of May that, carefully, vineyard must therefore be disbudded in springtime (ébourgeonnage). With a late and unusual vine bud burst, it is especially necessary to concentrate on the cleaning of the foot.
According to the vegetation of every plot of land, baguettes are more or less disbudded but the work remains serious on hooks.
In May 13th: the hail of the end of day affected mainly the plots of land of bottom of côteaux.
The spring is rainy and fresh; it does not allow to realize all the works of desired grounds.
A very altered production but a present vegetation which will allow to cut the next winter and so to protect the vineyard.
This end of rainy spring adds unfortunately a new “enemy” of the vineyard the disease “Mildew” makes its appearance. The priority is then to limit the progress by protecting it at best. He was made use, in against heart of 3 treatments of chemistry of synthesis to limit the damages already caused by the mildew. Mildew the action of which was multiplied tenfold by the repeated rains in particular those 27/28et29 in May and the weakening of the hailed plots of land.
The arrived summer seems to be more convenient on the meteo plan and the works of grounds (plowings, griffage) can start again. Accolage and lifting continue in July.
In the cellar ….
This one stays calm given rhythm however by the preparations of orders.