December 2021 Winter works
In the vineyard…
In this new month of November, after the vinifications and the entonnage, the winter work starts again.
Repairing the trellising and removing dead vines is done according to the weather conditions.
At the end of the month, the first part of the replanting can be done.
Greffes avant repiquagegreffes avant coupe des racinesPralinGreffe passé dans pralinouverture du trouInsertion de la greffegreffe en terregreffe entre 2 marcottesgreffe recouvertegreffe repiquée
At the beginning of November, the preparation of the cow dung takes place (burying of the horns).
In the cellar…
The wines (vintage 2020 maturing in progress and vintage 2021 at the very beginning of maturing) are under regular observation.
The last orders have just left the cellar.